Haus of Assembly

Easter isn’t just for kids anymore. And just because many of us are staying at home. It doesn’t mean that we can’t celebrate! Check out our guide and gift ideas for items to add for into your personalized Easter basket. Minimalist Nude...
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Stylish, Re-Usable and Free??? Say no more! We’re pretty sure that everyone is aware of how harmful single-use plastic bags are to the environment. The solution to this pollution (haha, get it? we rhymed) is cost effective, and- with our...
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Hello! My name is Aidan Anais I am the founder of Haus of Assembly. I am so excited that you took the time out to find out more about my brand. I grew up in The Bahamas weaving straw and...
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Can bush medicine be the cure for COVID? Some naturopathic doctors believe that certain herbs and spices can help to boost immunity during this COVID, and now flu, season. Herbal teas have long been considered the first line of defense in the battle against diseases. Chamomile, fennel,...
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